Monday, May 27, 2013

Ear Stretching Preparation

Okay so for this part of my blogging adventures I plan on discussing on how you should stretch your ears, THE HEALTHY WAY.
First before you start stretching your ears you need to be absolutely sure that you want to have stretched ears the rest of your life. You also wanna be prepared for a lot of discrimination on your ears, more so the bigger you go. You also must be very Patient, stretching your ears the right way should never be to quick. When you rush into things you are very likely to get blow outs, or infect your ears, or all sorts of things that can be very bad for your ears.
Also please do not stretch your ears because you want to "impress" someone. Its better to just not if that's your reasoning. You should always do body modifications for yourself, and no one else.
If you have considered these things and are still positive that you want to stretch your ears, then by all means go for it! I have been stretching my ears and i absolutely love it! I'm so proud of my ears they are growing so fast :') As of right now i am between sizes because i am taping my ears, but my next size is 5/8 which i'm very excited for!

So for preparation for stretching your ears you should have these things...(these are the things I used, there are other things you may use, but i advise to look up what you are going to use and just know what you are doing.)
-Tapers (steel, glass preferably)
-Plugs or pinchers (which are like septum rings)
-Vitamin E oil
-Sea Salt (non-iodized)
-distilled water
-Teflon tape

This is just the preparation, and things to have, I think i have most of the basics. I will post more about the process of stretching in my next post.
Also some info on stretching your ears, is that it is not called gauging or your plugs are not called gauges.. that is a type of measurement.

 *From stretching my ears for a while now i have looked up a lot of information on stretching your ears, i am not saying to do it my way, do it however you please. This is just a good way to go i have looked up all my info on many different sites and in books i'l try to post where i got my information from, but a lot of the time i won't remember.